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  • 我如何预订我的课程套餐中的课程?
    所有套餐都包括一到四节25分钟的课程。要预订课程包中的课程,首先要确保你已经登录到你的账户。 然后,导航到 "服务 "页面。接下来,选择 "1 x 25 min. 会议。清除沟通",并选择所需的日期和时间。 根据提示提供信息,并选择你的付款方式。如果您已经购买了课程套餐,它将被显示为付款的一个选项。 选择您的课程套餐作为付款方式(1),并在 "预订概要 "下确认您的购买。(2) 一旦你的课程被确认,你可以从你的账户页面的 "我的预订 "部分管理你的预订。
  • 每节课有多长?
    所有的试用课程都是25分钟。 单个疗程的时间为25、50或75分钟。 也可提供包含1、2、3或4个疗程的套餐。每个套餐的时间为25分钟。
  • 你教成年人吗?
    是的。成人收到100%定制的课程计划,这些计划根据水平和需要而有所不同。虽然大部分的资源是内部开发的,但有时也会推荐外部和网上的补充资源。专业领域包括。 -写作指导 -减少美式口音 -剑桥考试准备
  • 我如何预约免费试用?
    导航至 服务 并点击 预约免费试听课程 以保留您的免费试用。 从弹出的日历中选择一个日期和时间,然后提供所要求的联系信息。 一个定制的链接将被发送到你的电子邮件,当会议开始时,你可以用它来访问会议。
  • 你教孩子吗?
    是的! 孩子们使用ChitChat2Fluency课程进行教学,课程的设计考虑到了学生的能力而不是学生的年龄。该课程由两个级别组成,有一个分级考试和评估,以监测进展。大多数其他课程迫使学生记住词汇和语法规则,而我们的课程通过学生的参与和课程的个性化来鼓励知识的保留。每节课后,家长将收到一份学生表现的总结,其中包括建议改进的领域和在家练习的想法。
  • 我可以取消已经安排好的课程吗?
    课程可以在开始前2小时从 "我的预订 "页面上取消和重新安排,不受惩罚。 如果取消课程的通知时间少于2小时,则不能重新安排或退款。 任何被教员取消的课程可以在任何时间重新安排。
  • 我如何购买课程套餐?
    1) 要购买一个课程包,请使用网站菜单导航到 "计划 "页面。 2) 选择所需的包,并点击 "选择"。 3) 在下一页,新用户将被要求建立一个账户。这一步是必须的,以便管理预订和更改预订。现有的用户可以跳到第4步。 新用户,点击 "注册"。 选择你将使用的方法来创建一个账户。建议大多数用户使用 "用电子邮件注册"。 在出现的提示中提供所需信息。选择 "注册"。 对于一些用户来说,第一次尝试注册可能会失败,导致页面被刷新。如果发生这种情况,请确保验证码字段被填上复选标记,然后再按一次 "注册"。 注册成功后,你将被转到下图的页面。检查与注册时使用的电子邮件地址相关的收件箱,看看是否有一封带有确认链接的电子邮件。打开该链接,完成注册。 4) 一旦账户被激活,关闭弹出框,回到购买页面。选择 "登录"。 从弹出的框中,选择与你的账户相关的登录方式。 输入登录凭证,选择 "登录"。 请参考下面图片中的区域,以确保你已正确登录到你的账户。如果没有首先登录账户,就不能购买套餐。 选择一种付款方式,并输入完成所需的字段。可以用大多数主要信用卡或通过PayPal完成付款。 在提供付款信息后,如果需要,请保存您的详细资料。然后,从页面底部选择 "立即购买"。 你将被转到一个确认页面,包含你购买细节的电子邮件将被发送到与你账户相关的电子邮件地址。 完成购买后,与你的套餐相关的课程将自动记入你的账户。只要套餐仍然有效(从购买之日起一个月),就可以预订这些课程。要了解如何安排你套餐中的课程,参看下一节。
  • 我如何购买个人课程?
    要购买一个单独的疗程,请使用网站菜单导航到服务页面 。 选择所需的服务,然后按 "现在预订"。在下一页,为你的会议选择一个时间和日期,然后点击页面底部的 "下一步"。 接下来,提供联系信息并选择一个付款方式。输入所要求的信息,并确保在表格底部选择 "为单次会议付款"。接下来,点击 "立即付款",进入结账页面。 在结账页面选择信用卡或PayPal作为你的支付方式。提供所要求的信息,然后点击 "现在支付"。付款完成后,你将被带到一个确认页面。从这里,你可以将预订添加到你的谷歌日历。一封确认电子邮件也将被发送到预订过程中提供的电子邮件。 注意:没有必要创建一个账户来预订个别课程。然而,我们鼓励打算定期预订的学生创建一个账户,以简化预订过程。
  • Do you teach children?
    Yes! Children are taught using the ChitChat2Fluency curriculum, designed with student ability in mind rather than student age. The curriculum consists of 2 levels, complete with a placement exam and assessments to monitor progress. While most other curricula force students to memorize vocabulary and grammar rules, ours encourages knowledge retention through student engagement and lesson personalization. After every session, parents will receive a summary of the student's performance with suggested areas for improvement and ideas for at-home practice.
  • How do I purchase a lesson package?
    1) To purchase a lesson package, navigate to the Plans page using the site menu. 2) Choose the desired package, and click "Select." 3) On the next page, new users will be required to make an account. This step is required in order to manage bookings and change reservations. Existing users can skip to Step 4. New users, click "Sign Up." Select the method you will use to create an account. "Sign up with email" is recommended for most users. Provide the required information in the prompt that appears. Select "Sign Up." Registration may fail on the first attempt for some users, causing the page to refresh. If this happens, ensure that the CAPTCHA field is filled with a checkmark and press "Sign Up" once more. When registration is successful, you will be redirected to the page in the image below. Check the inbox associated with the email address used during sign-up for an email with a confirmation link. Open the link to complete registration. 4) Once an account has been activated, close the pop-up box to return to the purchase page. Select "Log In." From the pop-up box, select the login method associated with your account. Enter login credentials and select "Log In." Refer to the area pictured in the image below to ensure you have correctly logged into your account. Packages cannot be purchased without first logging into an account. Select a payment method and enter complete the required fields. Payment can be completed with most major credit cards or via PayPal. After providing payment information, save your details if desired. Then, select "Buy Now" from the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to a confirmation page, and an email containing the details of your purchase will be sent to the email address associated with your account. Upon completion of your purchase, the lessons associated with your package are automatically credited to your account. They may be booked as long as the package remains valid (one month from the date of purchase). To learn how to schedule the sessions included in your package, click here.
  • Can I cancel a session that I've already scheduled?
    Sessions can be canceled and rescheduled without penalty up to 2 hours before they begin from the "My Bookings" page. If a session is canceled with less than 2 hours of notice, it cannot be rescheduled or refunded. Any lessons canceled by the instructor may be rescheduled at any time.
  • Do you teach adults?
    Yes. Adults receive 100% customized lesson plans which vary according to level and need. While the majority of resources are developed in-house, external and online supplementary resources may be recommended on occasion. Areas of specialty include: -Writing instruction -American Accent Reduction -Cambridge Exam Preparation
  • How long is each session?
    All trial sessions last 25 minutes. Individual sessions are available for 25, 50, or 75 minutes each. Packages containing 1, 2, 3, or 4 sessions are also available. Each packaged session lasts 25 minutes.
  • How do I book the lessons included in my lesson package?
    All packages include between one and four 25-minute sessions. To book sessions included in a lesson package, first, ensure that you are logged into your account. Then, navigate to the Services page. Next, select 1 x 25 min. Session: Clear Communication and choose the desired date and time. Provide the information as prompted and select your payment method. If you have purchased a lesson package, it will be displayed as an option for payment. Select your lesson package as the payment method (1) and confirm your purchase under "Booking Summary." (2) Once your lesson is confirmed, you can manage your bookings from the "My Bookings" section of your Account Page.
  • How do I book a free trial?
    Navigate to the Services page and click Book a Free Trial Session to reserve your free trial. Select a date and time from the pop-up calendar, then provide the contact information requested. A custom link will be sent to your e-mail which can be used to access the meeting when it begins.
  • How do I purchase an individual session?
    To purchase an individual session, use the site menu to navigate to the Services page. Select the desired service, and press "book now." On the next page, select a time and date for your meeting and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. Next, provide contact information and select a payment option. Enter the information requested, and ensure that "Pay for a Single Session" is selected at the bottom of the form. Next, click "Pay Now" to go to the checkout page. Choose a credit card or PayPal as your payment method on the checkout page. Provide the requested information, then click "pay now." When payment is complete, you will be taken to a confirmation page. From here, you can add the reservation to your google calendar. A confirmation e-mail will also be sent to the e-mail provided during the reservation process. NOTE: It is unnecessary to create an account to reserve individual sessions. However, students who intend to book regularly are encouraged to create an account to streamline the reservation process.

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